суббота, 25 октября 2014 г.


***Enhance your AcerCloud experience with the all-new Acer BYOC Apps (abApps)***
Snap a photo, auto-stored to PC
Auto archiving
After you take photos on your smartphone or tablet, abPhoto helps you auto-archive them back to your PC. Photos are also pushed to all of your other cross-platform devices over a wireless or mobile network. abPhoto organizes your photos well, so browsing your pictures is easier than ever.
Memory sharing
· No file size limits: Without file size limits you can easily take your photos with you to share your memories with friends.
· Private: Sharing photos is quick and only between you and the people that you approve – your privacy is respected.
· Acer enhanced photos: With abPhoto, you can experience enhanced photos like Multi-Angle View, Free Focus, and Picture with Sound across your devices. You can also share them with friends using abPhoto's Cross ID sharing function. Your friends can view photos by installing abPhoto without the need for any special equipment.

See all
Pick a device and you can see your entire photo collection.


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